Wednesday, October 7, 2015

1. Celebrity Culture
2. Teen Pregnancy
3. Genocide
4. Hate Crimes
5. Gay Parents

   Celebrity Culture:

 1.The topic that I am  reading about is Celebrity Culture.

 2. The source citation of this article is "Celebrity Culture." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 5 Oct. 2015.

  3. The central idea of this article is talking about what being a celebrity is like and the consequences that come with being a celebrity. 

  4.  - Spread of technology has created the buzz of wanting to a Celebrity. 
       - The public likes anything that is controversial such as Kim Kardashian and her sex tape. This has caused her to become worldly famous and known all throughout the entire world. 
       - Lack of privacy when you are a celebrity. 
       - Creates a sense of narcism when you are a celebrity. 

   5. - Would you want to be a celebrity even though it meant giving up your privacy?
       - Do you think that celebrities benefit the world as a whole or do you think that it divides it in a negative way?

    6. None of the above. 

    7. None of the above. 

     8. None of the above. 

     9. Even though being a celebrity is great, is it worth giving up your freedom and privacy. 

     Teen Pregnancy:

         1. The topic that I am reading about is Teen Pregnancy. 

         2. The source citation of this article is "Teenage Pregnancy." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 5 Oct. 2015.

     3. The central idea of this article is talking about the cost of being a pregnant Teen. It also discusses how difficult it is raising a child while you are pregnant as a teen and ways to prevent teen pregnancy. 

      4. - Abstinence education was created to reduce the amount of pregnancies. it was also created to promote sexual abstinence and healthy teen behavior. 
          - When a teenager gets pregnant they are faced with higher health risks then a healthy 25 year old women. The reason why they face more challenges then the average 25 year old women is because they are a child having a child. They have not developed fully in order to have a child.
         - Their child can be born prematurely.
         -  Child Welfare is also being raised which is negative because these teen girls can not sustain a living for their child.

      5.- Do you think that these teen girls should use abortion or adoption as a way to relieve themselves and their child of any future hardships?
         - Do you think the government does a good job helping pregnant teens of the future?

      6. None of the above. 
      7. None of the above.

      8. None of the above. 

      9. None of the above. 


        1. The topic that I am reading about is Genocide. 

        2. "Genocide." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2014. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 14 Oct. 2015.

        3. The central idea of the article is about the affect that Genocide has on people and how the way of living has changed dramatically because of this.

        4. - There have been many accounts of genocide but the two main genocides that have occurred which left a major impact on the entire world was the armenian genocide and the holocaust.



  1. For your first topic - celebrity culture - great questions!

  2. Aja, create a separate blog post for each topic. It is easier for me to comment on your work that way.
